3 Ways Language Translations in Education Helps LEP Children

More than 1 in 10 children in the U.S. public school system is classified as an English language learner, or EL, and that percentage is expected to grow to 1 in 4 by 2025. In some states, like Texas, the figure is already 1 in five. This makes language translations in education more critical than ever to ensure all children have equal access and opportunity.

The federal Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to assess these English learners’ proficiency in English each year, and to develop learning goals and ways to measure students’ progress. It also provides states flexibility that can accommodate bilingual education for EL students.

At ASTA-USA Translation Services Inc., we work closely with clients in the education sector, particularly in e-learning and traditional K-12 public school settings, to translate course materials into the languages that EL students speak at home. Expert translation is crucial for the effective education and development of students who are new to the English language and trying to adapt to the school environment and a new culture.

Language translations in education apples on a book in a classroom

1. They Retain the Educator’s Expert Style, Intent and Tone

All of the materials used in the classroom, from textbooks and workbooks to handouts and tests, are prepared by experts in education, typically with doctorates in their field. They are crafted to convey information with clarity and to maximize children’s comprehension and retention. That makes it essential that translations of educational materials be precise and maintain the approach and structure of the originals if they are to be effective in the classroom.

AI-powered translation tools lack the ability to capture educators’ methods. In education and other specialized fields, such as law, finance, and human resources, ASTA-USA utilizes professional translators with expertise in specific subject matters to ensure translated materials convey the import of the original documents. By utilizing language translations in education, learners of all languages reap the rewards of expertly crafted learning materials.

2. Language Translations in Education Improve Parental Engagement

Our clients in education tell us that ASTA-USA’s language translation services increase parental engagement in their children’s education. That is significant because research overwhelmingly indicates that when parents are actively involved in their children’s schoolwork and their schools themselves, their children are more engaged, motivated, happier, and perform better in the classroom.

An often-overlooked outcome, though, is how translated school materials benefit parents. When parents can understand the subject matter and how it is being taught, it allows them to be more engaged partners with their children. It also encourages them to communicate with their children’s teachers, further reinforcing classroom instruction.

3. They Create More Inclusive Learning and Social Environments

In addition to learning a new language, children with limited English proficiency face the challenge of fitting in with the rest of the class. When children are unable to use comparable texts, in-class lessons, and homework, they can feel isolated from their classmates and the school culture. Translation services allow English learners to use the same texts and follow the same lessons, so they can participate equally in class.

Again, it’s important that translated materials not just convey the accurate meaning of the words, but that they address cultural nuances that appear in everything from common idioms to regional or national traditions. Cultural references may need localization for English learners to fully understand them. When performed by a skilled professional with real-world knowledge of the culture, translated school materials promote inclusion for English learners and foster a classroom environment that respects diversity.

To learn more about the benefits of language translations in education and how ASTA-USA can work with educators to help English learners achieve academic success while promoting inclusivity in the classroom, connect with us today.